
Filter: International Business Development
11/09/2022 - CEO's challenges and the mindsets that are required
This book shows in a clear and marked way how the current changes and complexities present globally in the business world require a the flexible use of several mindsets by CEOs in order to maximize...
07/09/2022 - Evolutions and revolutions in the software industry
The global software industry is undergoing relevant structural and conceptual changes set to evolve and revolutionize it...(TechRadar article)
28/08/2022 - Hiring at the time of tough talent market competition
Nowadays the hiring process is markedly conditioned by a talent market that is extremely competitive and brings candidates to perceive themselves as in a position to conduct interviews from...
15/08/2022 - India: 75 years of independence and raising opportunities
Today India celebrates 75 years of independence within a global geopolitical context that can shape growth opportunities ...(MoneyControl article)
07/08/2022 - Monterey vintage auto auction coming soon...
The traditional annual Monterey vintage cars auction is coming soon at appears to be more very appealing and unique even in a bear market ...(Bloomberg article)
24/07/2022 - The Indian startup ecosystem staggering growth
Indian government economic policy since 2016 has focused on stimulating the development of startups. This has generated, data at hand, a staggering growth of entrepreneurial activities contributing...
13/07/2022 - Understanding and leveraging on different cultures' values for internationalization
Cultural diversity is a key aspect to understand, stimulate and develop international relations; too often is not properly focus on ...(Forbes article)
08/07/2022 - Synergy Pathways India Awarded Prestigious Indian Achievers Award 2022
We are proud to have been awarded as:"Emerging Company in recognition of the outstanding professional achievement and contribution to Nation building" by the Indian Achivers' Forum.The forum has...
07/07/2022 - Data shows growth for opportunities and business development in India...
The developing Indian business ecosystem linked to new technologies and research is booming and spreading its wings also from an entrepreneurial and business development point of view strengthening...
22/06/2022 - The most innovative companies of 2021
The list of the most innovative companies of 2021 has been made public; it points out innovation developed through patents registration.(24/7wallst article)
16/06/2022 - Drivers of successions at Toyota
Akio Toyota, Toyota CEO, is setting the stage for a smooth succession of power based upon some key values drivers that are particularly important within nowadays market complexities ...(Autonews...
10/06/2022 - Nowadays top management drives ecosystems rather then simply companies
Nowadays managing companies goes well beyond the classic dynamics of the company we have direct responsibility for; managing companies requires to take a much broader perspective and influence it in...
02/06/2022 - Entrepreneurship and growth; Red Bull case study...
When we focus on entrepreneurship that has had a global impact Red Bull come to mind for several reasons that are pointed out in this article and that can represent a source of inspiration for any...
25/05/2022 - Conference: a time for opportunity and growth within change inspired by motorsport values …
During Autopromotec 2022 international trade show, RMP has co-organized the conference: “The challenges of there short supply chain within the ‘green’ framework in the...
07/05/2022 - India progress towards a Free Trade Agreement with the European Union picks up speed
India and the European Union have been working towards a Free Trade Agreement for a long time and the process seems to have reached its final stages of completion...(The Economic Times article)
05/05/2022 - Digital transformation begins to concretely make its mark in supply chain
Global supply chains have been disrupted during the last couple of years in many ways, yet only recently many start ups have focused on how digital transformation can improve overall systems and...
27/04/2022 - Key drivers to India's sustainable and widespread economic and social growth...
Made in India is a program that has been designed to develop the federal economy, Made for India is set to ensure widespread growth and progress in India itself...(Entrepreneur article)
16/04/2022 - Ukraine as gates of Europe...
A well written and all round researched book on a key current topic that impacts all of us … history has always so much to tell us in order to better understand…The Gates of...
14/04/2022 - First Technical Meeting to Begin the India Business Development of TS2 Engineering
This morning we have a had a conference call among TS2 Engineering and Synergy Pathways representatives to begin to channel the exploratory business development focus. TS2 Engineering has...
08/04/2022 - The New Era of Individual and Organizational Performance to Create Innovation and Value
Knowledge in todays’ organizations is something in continuos dynamic flux in order to reach, develop and sustain a competitive advantage; the reason for it: it becomes obsolete fast.I come to...
04/04/2022 - Skeletime Automotive Explores the top niche Indian Market
Synergy Pathways has performed from the end of November 2021 through the end of March 2022 (managing action though COVID protocol) a pan India introduction and testing relevant. to the the...
02/04/2022 - The Innovative Editorial Project Italia Economy is launched as an innovative Start Up
After months of bureaucratic work in progress and technical fine tinting,  finally ITALIA ECONOMY is launched as an innovative startup. It fatures an innovative editoria project...
01/04/2022 - Trands, perspectives, opportunities for the future.
07/02/2022 - Artificial Intelligence: trends to watch
Artificial Intelligence is rapidly embracing several areas of our lives, generating opportunities for progress and business growth, here some key trends to watch...(Inc. article)
02/02/2022 - RPM First General Assembly 2022. Action time!
We have had our first 2022 General Assembly on Wednesday February 2nd hosted by Reinova. Almost all of the current members were present in presence, as per current Covid protocols in Italy, or...
30/01/2022 - Crises and challenges can represent powerful opportunities for turnarounds and growth
The innovative business model in travel and lodging Airbnb has faced a massive crisis during the current pandemic, the way that has managed the situation has represented an opportunity for change and...
23/01/2022 - How Metaverse will impact our lives and our work
Metaverse has the potential to impact in many ways our lives and our work, its impacts can be far reaching in powerful ways that we need to ensure can contribute to widespread progress...
21/01/2022 - Riccardo Paterni, Project Business Developer at Italia Economy
Un modo per contribuire concretamente allo sviluppo del sistema economico e sociale italiano e’ quello di proporre, sviluppare e diffondere temi centrali alla crescita di aziende e persone; farlo...
16/01/2022 - When change and uncertainty become empowering…
"Connecting the dots" (title of a must read book), is a meaningful saying that has found boosting power in Christian Busch's serendipity seminal research. The new bonus chapter from...
10/01/2022 - Announcing a new Synergy Pathways' partnership to support Italian SMEs' strategic growth
Synergy Pathways has always been in the frontline to concretely support Italian SMEs strategic growth and we announce a partnership with Massimo Giannecchini, an experienced entrepreneur and a close...
07/01/2022 - Introducing SkeleTime to India
It is part of the heritage and tradition of Synergy Pathways to focus on projects related to innovative technology in the automotive and motorsport fields. Through the Motorsport Next...
02/01/2022 - Sources of sustainable shared progress for the new year...
The challenges of the last two years set by the current pandemic have generated a new sense of awareness and action for progress widespread globally. The dynamics of this are set to become ever more...
01/01/2022 - Happy New Year!
Celebrating the new year in with a special bottle of RichardLucien champagne in loving memory of a special unique person, Riccardo Procaccini, creator of the awarded brand, whom passed away...
24/12/2021 - The 2021 world economy at a glance ...
Visualising the 2021 global economy in one chart.(Visual Capitalist article)
22/12/2021 - Scaling sustainable and consistent growth can be possible ...
The focus on growth is essential for the survival of any business, yet it must be sustainable from several perspectives. The balance growth / sustainability is possible and scalable, some ideas on...
16/12/2021 - Graphene, wonder material of the future...
Graphene is a material that has a relatively recent history of discovery and research and that increasingly has a key role in emerging innovations ...(Visual Capitalist article)
13/12/2021 - Cafe' Elba's wings spread even further: a unique resort in India
Synergy Pathways is all about generating opportunities and growth in the many international sectors we operate. Café Elba is our very own unique project focusing in the resort field...
10/12/2021 - Entrepreneurship disruptions and opportunities driven by Generation Z dynamics
Generation Z is more relevant than ever in shaping for global entrepreneurs disruptions and opportunities for growth ...(Forbes article)
05/12/2021 - Technological progress is fuelling relevant geopolitical shifts
Far reaching technological developments are affecting relevant shifts of economic power on a global scale, and interesting interview on the topic with Intel CEO Pat Gelsinger ...(Fortune article)
25/11/2021 - Understanding the roots and developments of electric mobility
Electric mobility is progressively developing and it is set to have a widespread impact on the global automotive market. It also represent a powerful all pervasive way to fuel evolutions and...
24/11/2021 - The leverage of growth from niche markets focus
Within the current international complexities there is a key lever that can ensure progressive growth for any kind of organization: identifying and focusing on emerging niche markets. An...
19/11/2021 - Synergy Pathways begins TS2 Engineering internationalization project towards India
Riccardo has visited TS2 Engineering headquarters in Orvieto meeting the founders, the management team and visiting overall operations. The project entails a market feasibility study relevant to...
13/11/2021 - A road map for the Italian e-Valley from the values of the Motor Valley tradition
From the hearth of the Italian Motor Valley Reinova is envisioning, through his CEO Giuseppe Corcione, a revolution within the traditional land of engines and motorsport. A revolution capable of...
01/11/2021 - Happy Diwali from the Itaind Tech and Synergy Pathways family team!
Diwali is a special time for family and friends celebrations, the same family feeling that has been driving the consistent achievements by Itaind Tech Ltd.. As Synergy Pathways we...
27/10/2021 - Conference. E-Valley: the transition to electric in the land of motors
Invited by Reinova we have participated to a conference held in Rimini (Italy) relevant to the current work-in-progress within the traditional Italian Motor Valley, deeply rooted land of...
21/10/2021 - The future of work needs to be human centric for effectiveness and sustainability
Research on the future of work points out why current and future development have to be human centric and why hybrid work formats can represent an effective solution to organizational and individual...
18/10/2021 - Environmental sustainability is concretely a key driver to sustainable growth in many fields
Environmental sustainability can become a relevant driver to sustainable growth in several business fields ...(Fastcompany article)
15/10/2021 - Participating to the MIAC 2021 paper industry trade show
MIAC is a historic yearly trades how in Lucca - Italy relevant to technology and machinery for the production of paper and paperboard and for the converting of tissue paper. The 2020 edition of...
10/10/2021 - Current challenges and opportunities in global business development
Several geopolitical factor are impacting heavily many certainties that have been developing towards dynamics of global business development: they are shaping new scenarios that represent at the same...
08/10/2021 - "The Future is Faster than you Think": what's next in business and society
On a global scale the dynamics of change are progressively accelerated and made complex by several technological and scientific developments that are directly impacting the way progress is carried...
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